Fear and Surveillance
As the Coronavirus spreads death and fear throughout the world, the forces that have been chipping away at individual privacy and autonomy for decades have received a boost that will enable them to gather even […]
As the Coronavirus spreads death and fear throughout the world, the forces that have been chipping away at individual privacy and autonomy for decades have received a boost that will enable them to gather even […]
Lemon Chicken and Rice Soup […]
The clip above illustrates the power and impact of asynchronous video-based communication. In this instance, the video is a log of an astronaut left on the surface of Mars in the film, The Martian. Talk […]
US commentators have been quick to point to the growing surveillance capacities of the Chinese government powered by the network of cameras and more powerful facial recognition technologies. Such capacities are viewed as both positive […]
Small learning groups are an important part of the new learning ecosystem and developing tools to support such learner configurations is an important task for those working on the creation of a new learning infrastructure. […]
Chicken Orzo Soup […]
As many of us focus on providing courses to students at a distance there is a good deal of advice and assistance on offer. In most cases, the assumption is that faculty will need more […]
One of the opportunities worth exploring as computing and communications technologies advance is the possibility of enhancing work environments by leveraging such technologies to access and utilize information in new ways in the course of […]
Quiche Lorraine with Swiss cheese […]
If you are now working or learning at home and feeling connected because you are using Zoom to participate in live video sessions, you might want to pay careful attention to just how connected you […]
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