Classroom Decor and Learning
Educators with at least some control over the physical learning environment in which they work are often inclined to try to shape that environment to create the best conditions for learning. In the case of […]
Educators with at least some control over the physical learning environment in which they work are often inclined to try to shape that environment to create the best conditions for learning. In the case of […]
Rose Cookies […]
As we consider the relationships between elements of the settings in which learning takes place and the nature of the learning, we might pay more attention to the learning potential of playgrounds. Writing in Tes, […]
Freedom House has released their Freedom on the Net 2019 report that tracks the state of the internet in 65 countries around the world. The report focuses on the growing threat to freedom posed by […]
At a time of growing concern about facial recognition systems and facial data and the potential uses and misuses, a story in New York Magazine suggests that such concerns may be too little too late. […]
Location tracking can be done with a number of different technologies and for quite different purposes. An emerging practice, at least on some large college and university campuses seems to be the use of beacon […]
The Defense Innovation Board, an independent US federal advisory committee that provides advice to the Department of Defense, has issued a report with recommendations of ethical principles to guide the use of artificial intelligence for […]
A piece in the LA Times highlights the use of technology for cheating by students. This is occurring against a backdrop of rising rates of student cheating overall. Students are making use of cell phone […]
Future Classroom Lab is a project among a network of universities in Finland. The network supports the exploration of new technologies for classrooms and new approaches to the preparation of teachers to function in the […]
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