Lab Notes

Time and Innovation

As we all look to become more innovative, there are various techniques that are employed to generate new ideas. A recent article in Fast Company, begins by discussing well known brainstorming techniques along with their […]

Lab Notes

Remote Tools

As we explore the ways to enhance our capacities for working remotely, it is worth considering the range of tools now available to facilitate remote processes. With that in mind, check out Remote Tools, a […]

Lab Notes

What Makes Agile Work?

Adopting agile work practices requires a serious investment of time and attention as does maintaining and strengthening an agile workplace culture of support. But is the effort worthwhile? A column in Forbes reviews some recent […]

Lab Notes

Agile Governance

With the pace of change accelerating and technologies growing to global scale more rapidly than ever before, and with those emerging technologies carrying political implications, interest in more agile approaches to policy making appears to […]

Lab Notes

Why Recipes?

Why does LatrLab have a recipes section? It might seem out of place on a site devoted to designing the future of learning. However, in most collaborative work sites individuals find opportunities to share a […]