Distance Learning

Udemy Growing

An article in TechCrunch reports on a new investment in online learning market site Udemy by Japanese publisher Benesse that values Udemy at $2 billion. The article provides useful information on the context for online […]

Self-Directed Learning

Learning from Peers

One strategy for helping students to develop as self-directed learners is to give them experience learning from one another, that is, collaborating on tasks to facilitate their learning apart from direct interaction with a teacher. […]

Lab Notes

Sunsetting Projects

Innovation labs have many challenges as they attempt to marshal ideas and resources to create authentically new solutions to recognized problems. Beyond the obvious need to develop new approaches there is the less often recognized […]

Learning Settings

Flexible Space

An article in Edutopia calls attention to a new study of flexible space in classrooms. The study, conducted by Peter Barrett at the University of Salford in the UK, examined 153 primary classrooms in 27 […]